Thursday, 6 February 2025

The Way (Book#1) by Mary E. Twomey

The world is divided into three continents and people into blood types where A-class are the workers in The Way. A place where labour is what counts and where you are eliminated once life expectancy has been reached. On the opposite side are the B-bloods – the Vemreaux - who are granted extra life years after being dipped in the Fountain but then need O-blood to keep them going. The B-bloods are being killed by something called the Predator, but there is a prophecy that someone called “The Light” will be the one to bring it down.


Blue Anders and her brothers, Baird and Griffin, work in The Way and Blue has a secret. She has a destiny to fulfil and Baird is going to make sure she succeeds no matter what. No matter how much brutal physical training he puts her through. No matter how much mental anguish he heaps on her. No matter how much love he withholds from her. When Baird and Blue are bought and manage to leave The Way, they come across some influential people who may be able to help them in their quest. But since this might mean a profound death, will it solve the problem?


This idea was something I’d not come across before and the way Baird treated Blue in a place I couldn’t quite get my head around drew me in to try to understand why. This then led to wanting to know more about the prophecy, so I soldiered on. The POV jumps didn’t really bother me, and yes, this is definitely YA because some of the characters were so stereotypical it was laughable. Yet when I really looked at how Liam, for example, spoke and viewed the world, it was through the lens of royalty and showed how out of touch he really was.


The book is longish and many places feel drawn out and rather a setup for later things. I kept looking at the pages left and thinking that there would be some sort of climax even if it did lead into the next one but when the end came all too quickly, it was as though the whole first book just got Blue ready to head off. While that in itself is not a bad thing, it leaves me feeling like the idea was unfilled and something needed to be “finished” in this book.


Many of the characters I “got”. I understood their motivations and frustrations. Apart from Grettel. And don’t say she came into herself when Stephanie allowed her to see the possibilities. Nope. Just a crier who I was getting so annoyed at reading when the tears rolled down her cheeks or sat on her eyelashes or whatever. As for Blue being able to get around and waitress with “a curtain of hair covering her face as she looked down subserviently at her feet”. Hmm.


The book had some proofing issues but nothing that was too jarring. The biggest thing was probably questions left open. Not necessarily about the lead into the next book, but the bits of info missing like other blood types, or more about WW3. And I want to know what goes into Baird’s drinks to make them so successful.


It’s a good book with an intriguing premise and the cover on Amazon is beautiful. I’d recommend it just because of Blue’s journey and the fact that she is able to be a badass while still embracing her vulnerability. I do want to find out what happens to her!

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