Monday, 19 August 2019

Dead Wrong by Lynn Emery

Dead Wrong is the third in a series about the Joliet sisters who are detectives and psychic ones to boot.

Jessi and Charmaine are called in to a case on a plantation involving missing objects and the owner’s certainty that spirits are to blame. The two of them discover very quickly that they are not welcome, both because the rest of the family do not believe in ghost hunters, and also because they are the wrong colour in a place where colour determines status in life. As the finger is pointed at different people and bodies start turning up, will the ghosts doomed to spend their existence there help them to trace old records that have made this mystery and indeed an unsolved murder into so much more?

I found this an average read and not one I would read again or look further into the series. I found the story overall rather drawn-out considering the ultimate ending. Taking into account they are paranormal detectives I was surprised that very little actually had to do with the ghosts and their talents and I felt a lot more could have been incorporated. Even the actual detective work was a bit humdrum. Jessi’s past as a stripper and hooker kept being brought up and I thought fewer mentions would have been better. Charmaine’s sex drive was also a little OTT and the fact that she jumped into bed with some of the characters, whether clients or not, seemed odd. It was a bit like taking a bunch of unlikeable characters all blaming each other and figuring out whodunit. Except, since I didn’t gel with the way many of the conversations were worded, I didn’t really care.

There were a lot of editing errors, from incorrect punctuation marks, to punctuation in the wrong places to erroneous words being used, which really jarred the flow of reading.

Many thanks to Voracious Readers Only and the author for a copy of the book, but I wouldn’t give it more than 3 stars as I was really hoping for more action and more paranormal activity.

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