Born in Fire is a paranormal adventure and is the first in a series.
Reagan is a bounty hunter and an annoyed one at that. Some thieving vampire swooped in and stole her mark. It doesn’t matter that he is an elder; he shouldn’t be allowed to do that. Since she is running low on cash, Reagan has no choice but to take the next available job. But urgh—it’s for vampires and she has to deal with the smarmy idiot (Darius) who took her mark in the first place. But not all is as it seems. As demons and mages and other manner of beings get involved, Reagan must learn to rely on others as she has never done before. Reagan has a secret of her own, however, and needs to keep it just that: a secret.
Again, another book you can enjoy without having to get too involved in thinking about it. I know a lot of reviewers found Reagan angry, but considering her secret I can see where she gets it from. I actually enjoyed her personality but found it strange that she was impervious to so much magic and could fight off any manner of beings but give her some alcohol and she becomes so drunk she can’t defend herself. Surely her body would have been able to fight it off considering in the beginning of the book she orders a drink at the bar where they are made of “turps and artificial flavouring” and has no problem drinking those? The non-sex between the main characters and the sex with Darius and a donor is also a bit weird—guess it is up to each reader to see how they feel about it. The introduction of so many different kinds of supernatural beings was very interesting and showed how mixing magic between them was not a good idea. The spells in their casings were also an intriguing way of looking at storing magic. I didn’t like the beings that the vamps were inside. I get that it’s the idea of the evil behind the mask, but I’d rather the dark side be wrapped in something pretty (I blame Eric Northman for that)!
The writing is easy to read and it’s a style you can read at a fast pace as you don’t have to remember minute details from one scene to the next. The story doesn’t go very deeply into characters' back-stories so the plot is pretty much surface level, which is great for a quick, easy read. I’d definitely like to know more about Reagan’s secret and see where the relationship between her and Darius is going.
Recommended for a light-hearted paranormal read, but don’t expect too much substance.
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