A Home from Home is a standalone novel, and in a very subtle
and comical way, deals with the mistreatment of care centres for the elderly,
and their guests.
Edith grew up in the beautiful house of Stoneycrest, so has
vivid memories of her time there. Unfortunately with age her memories seem to
be fading and some meld with others. One thing she is sure of however, is that
the owners and managers (Marion and Spiro) of the care centre that Stoneycrest
has become, are mistreating the guests and filtering money for their own use.
With the help of her friend Len, Edith devises a plan to get the police to come
to Stoneycrest so that she can alert them to the problems, but as with most
well-thought out (or so you think) plans, things never turn out the way you
want them to!
The story is a very sweet look at Edith’s past and present
and her perseverance in getting the truth out there. Spiro and his mistress
Marion are only interested in the money they can claim from the guests, and
while there is no overt mistreatment, there is no genuine care either. Tass (Spiro’s money-hungry niece), joins the
story and after a life changing event learns the true meaning of living life
and caring for others. There are some crazy moments where one of the guests
goes missing in the village and the search party sent to retrieve her is like watching
a 3 Stooges movie. The story is very well told but there are a number of
grammatical errors especially with missing prepositions which ruin the flow of
Otherwise a good fun afternoon read.
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