Monday, 2 May 2016

Tick by Allison Rose

This is a sci-fi fantasy novel set in a dystopian future, suitable for young adults and up.

The world is highly regulated and people are constantly being scanned for any brain anomalies. The fear is that any anomaly could be a precursor of a terrorist, so surgery is performed immediately to rid the person of the abnormality. However a major side effect of the surgery is that it robs the person of their creativity and unique spirit. This is why Jo, an avid painter, is constantly on the lookout for drones and authority in general. Jo comes from a family with proven mental illness and has been having visions since she was small. Violent visions of her harming others. This tick is so serious that she often battles to distinguish the vision from reality. When anarchists hack into the mainframe of the controlling company, life gets turned on its head and Jo's visions threaten the lives of everyone around her. Who can stop the chaos?

I really enjoyed this book. Jo is a strong character and yet very flawed. I liked the way that a lot of things are not tied up neatly and that chaos does sometimes win. The violence in the visions and the jail was just crazy enough to be believable. It was a very interesting take on a possible future; where people are so ruled by fear that they would give up individual personalities and live like robots. Jo is the hero and the anti-hero. Even with her flaws her desire to help those she cares about is monumental. The editing and formatting were great so no headaches there. Great character and world building and an adrenalin Mad Max: Fury ending. I can't wait for the next one in the series.   

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