Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Monarch:War of the Princes (#3) by A.R. Ivanovich

The third book in the series is a fantasy novel and aimed at young adults.

Katelyn and friends are trying to piece together their lives after their devastating loss at the end of book two. Common-Lord Brendon Axton has a very important mission for them. In order to keep Breakwater safe following the start of the rebellion, the friends are tasked with finding Prince Varion and asking him for protection from Prince Raserion. On the journey Katelyn is visited by Raserion and given a task-one it seems she cannot refuse. Placed in a no win situation, they must all continue with the journey, meeting more adversaries and learning hidden truths from the past. What will this secret mission of Katelyn's land up costing them all? When does the price become too high?

I found the third book slow and cumbersome to read in the beginning but as the pace picked up it flew really quickly. The characters that didn't have much page time in the beginning of the series are now being fleshed out. The titbits of info that were being fed to you are starting to make sense in the bigger picture. Some definite "Oh I didn't see that coming" moments happen, and just when you think a section can be wrapped up you are off on another tangent again. The writing in this particular book is definitely aimed at a younger audience which sometimes comes across as "cushioned".  Love scenes, emotions and action felt to me as though they were toned down. Some errors cropped up where words were jumbled in sentences but the overall editing was good. It felt as though this book read as a necessary link through to the next book-not really as a "part three" of the series, as opposed to the previous two books. Let's hope that this means that the final book will be a whopper!

Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to review the book.

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