This is a fantasy adventure suited to young adults.
Liz McKinnen is an 18 yr old writer of fantasy and has had a
measure of success with her books involving dragons and magic, however is stuck
in a relationship she feels is just not right. One evening she is kidnapped and
taken to a mysterious castle where she finds out that she has joined the ranks
of the immortal writers - those whose
works have crossed the boundary between imagination and reality and the
characters have come to life. Finding herself pitted with Shakespeare, Tolkien
and Poe, amongst others, she has been brought there to battle the villain that
she has created. Helped by friends and the love interest she created, Liz must
find a way to defeat the villain in ways she as the creator has not thought up
The characters have been given exceptionally fun
personalities and the author has taken time (through Liz) to really describe
the dragons as well as their weaknesses and strengths. I like that as young as
Liz is, that she is also an old soul due to the experiences that she has had
and the flaws she lives with. I'm glad that the literary characters were not as
fleshed out as they could have been since Liz would not have been able to
create such a concrete backstory for each of them and this allowed my
imagination to run wild. I thought that the intimate scenes were age
appropriate and the violence not too graphic. A little light on the story for
an adult but a 14 yr-old would love this.