This is a zombie apocalyptic thriller suitable for mature
young adults and up.
Gary is handing over the reins to his younger brother Tom.
It will now be Tom's turn to do the twice yearly expedition to search the
zombie records to find his sister Larissa. His father, a highly ranked senator,
still blames Tom for allowing Larissa to be captured and bitten, even though he
was just a boy at the time. Gary and Tim get to Biter's Hill along with the
rest of the zombie hunters on the ferry and head to the archives. On the way
they encounter many zombie traders; the zombies have all been rounded up and
the venomous parts of their glands extracted in order to turn them into a
workforce. Tom notices a zombie that looks a little different. A little more
human. Apparently in the urge to find a cure for zombies, half-breeds were
created. Not quite zombie. Not quite human. When ready to leave Biter's Hill
chaos breaks out when zombies attack. Tom needs to take the people around him
and get out but can't get the half-breed out of his mind. He feels an affinity
towards her. Is it worth trying to save her?
I read this book in a couple of hours, it flows that
quickly. It's a slightly different take on zombies with the introduction of the
half-breed and hopefully the rest of the books in the series will explain more
about her. The book is full of action with an entertaining style; it will be interesting
to see what his father does once he finds out the dire decision Tom made. There
was a continuity issue though: at the beginning of the book it says he was
fourteen when Larissa was bitten but later on it says he was twelve. Other than
that I really enjoyed the book for a quick read that didn't require too much