Originally released as a 4-part series, this is the complete
story of the Dark Room.
Charlie wakes up naked in a dark room after having been on a
bender. A screen showing a film flickers in front of him. As he tries to wrap
his head around what happened, things become even more surreal. It seems that
Charlie has woken up in someone's mind! Questioning his sanity, Charlie has to
prove to himself that he is definitely real and still alive, and convince the
girl whose head he is in that she is not crazy. How will he get back to his
body or is this all just a crazy bender side-effect?
This story really messes with your mind - literally. The
more you try to envisage the mind swap, the more crazy your own thoughts get. I
liked the development of Charlie and Minnie's characters from the nowhere
places they were, to the people they become. Having all four books together
made it much easier to read; I think if I'd had to stop and start there would
have been even more confusion than I was experiencing at the time. A very
interesting idea which takes some concentration to maintain as you watch the
mad journey. The author has a wonderful writing style, rich in descriptions and
easy to read. A completely crazy but well written story, with an ending that
leaves you thinking.
Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to review the book.