This is a thriller aimed at young adults and up.
15 year-old Amy Stevenson is your typical teenager; enjoying
life with her friends, working hard at school and generally getting up to
mischief. Amy has a nice and safe relationship with her boyfriend Jacob, but
what he doesn't know is that Amy is also seeing an older man. Someone who makes
her feel "oh so grown up". One day Amy doesn't return home from
school, and her body is found having been raped and beaten. Not quite dead, but
in a vegetative state where it's doubtful she will ever wake up. Fast forward
15 years and Alex Dale is a freelance writer and barely functioning alcoholic,
who stumbles upon Amy in the hospital she has been in since the attack. No-one
has ever been convicted of the crime so Alex decides to investigate and uses
every connection she has managed not to sever. Will she even remain sober
enough to complete the job and how will she get answers from the only witness
when she hasn't been able to communicate with the world for the last 15 years?
Considering this is the author's first novel I am extremely
impressed with it. Her portrayal of Alex's character is so comprehensive that
you feel you are battling her demons along with her. The descriptions get so
intense that I could feel the withdrawals her body was going through or empathising
with her thirst for the next drink. The author spent just the right amount of
word time on the main and peripheral characters-feeding you just enough info
about some and letting you into deep and private thoughts for others. The plot
was well thought out and logical. The neuroscience part about communicating
with those patients in comatose states was very thought provoking, and the whodunit
part-well who doesn't love a good mystery? There were a few spelling mistakes
and formatting errors but not enough to cause a major distraction.
My congratulations to the author on a fantastic novel, with
a crisp storyline that stayed on the straight path and well developed
Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to review the book.